Jayden Santos (Mercer) & Makenna Perez (Shore)
Every month we will highlight the incredible MatchFit Academy student-athletes and their accomplishments both on and off the field.
Jayden Santos - MatchFit Academy Mercer
Jayden Santos was invited to try out with the U13 Guatemala National Team this summer. Following a great week of training he was invited to continue to train and development with them for the entire month of August! The #matchfitfamily are very proud of this accomplishment and this very unique opportunity that will allow him to learn and grow on and off the field.

Makenna Perez - MatchFit Academy Shore
Makenna Perez, on the heels of earning outstanding academic excellence award, concluded her first-year in high school with a 4.4 GPA and a 4.6 weighted GPA, ranking in the top 15 of her class with all-honors courses. Perez has been able to achieve this all while playing high school varsity soccer, where she was awarded rookie-of-the-year and earned her varisty letter. This continued in the world of athletics while not only playing for the #matchfitfamily, but while also giving back by coaching and mentoring younger athletes and maintaining her refereeing license for Pinelander youth soccer. Makenna is also a member of multiple clubs and organizations with in her school, such as PALs, Key Club, National Honors Society and student council, all of which provide her with opportunities to give back to her community.
Congratulations to these outstanding members of the #MatchFitFamily